Message from JaiCi Razak on auction details:
Alright, we want to encourage every one of the Relief Society sisters to donate some type of "service" to the auction. It can be ANYTHING!!! Some examples are: babysitting, home-made goodies (like fudge or caramel popcorn or to-die-for cinnamon rolls), home-made quilt, hair cut (hint, hint Kylene hehehe), set of homemade cards, canned peaches, etc, etc. Anything that you might think someone else would benefit from or enjoy. Also, you are allowed (and encouraged) to donate more than one thing if you wish. Donating will earn you BIG points the night of the auction!! And, if you donate 3 things, then your points will be that much more, etc, etc, etc... Then, through out the months of Jan, Feb, March the sisters get to earn points that they will use to bid on the donated items that night. Some things that they can earn points by doing are things like; having family home evening, doing service anonymously, doing your VISITING TEACHING, writing a missionary, going to the temple, etc, etc. WE have some preliminary lists that we will be bringing into RS by the end of January so that the sisters know what kind of things we are looking for. We will also have a sign-up sheet for donations by the end of January and we will make the effort to remind the sisters that volunteer. However, even bringing something that night counts. Then, that night we will set up everything that's for "auction" and have some tally sheets for the sisters to tally all the points that they have earned the past 3 months. Then we will have an auction and the girls will run it. Then, we will have some fun prizes for things such as "got the most bids" "got the highest bid", fun things like that.
Also, we were wondering if between the two Relief Societies we could have some "treaters" brought for before the auction starts. Maybe just some finger foods and juice. Not a dinner, but something to keep us entertained and busy before the fun begins :)
More details to come.......
Note from Kylene: I already know a few things I am going to dontate: a couple haircuts, 2 haircolor services (all-over color or partial weave), a photo shoot w/complete hairstyle & makeup, and maybe some scrapbooking supplies! Get the juices flowing, I can't wait for this auction!!! I hope someone is donating babysitting!!!! ;)
Ward Family Valentine's Dance
2 weeks ago
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auction ideas